BUT...it is a dark time for the young missionaries. In spite of having changed my return ticket the evil galactic empire known as KLM has secretly decided that a brave warrior (me!) will have her ticket deemed illegal and cancelled.This dastardly plan was discovered and the rebels and I fought back for many days but were finally defeated. In the end the Jedi warrior Lianne (A.K.A my mum) was sent forward to single combat; to do battle and restore justice to the land and my ticket home!
The battle began...the evil forces of KLM ranged against a lonely Jedi knight (think the determination Princess Leia but with the terribly English politeness of the Empire Officers.) Armed with merely a polite smile and the dreaded TEACHER'S STARE she spent all day wrestling with KLM. Hours and hours they spent in battle; phone calls were made, emails sent, notes written, managers brought in and finally...legal department consulted!
In the final moments of the struggle KLM decided to re-establish the original ticket and allow the young warrior to return home to her people. This is a great victory and we await the 17th Feb with a new hope!
* Cue vaguely tribal drum music and lots of celebratory fireworks*
Good analogy! Can't wait to see you very soon xx