Monday 27 December 2010

crisis of nerves

Over the last few months everyone keeps on asking "are you excited?" and then give me big beaming smiles. I've been nodding and saying yes but I'm afraid I was lying. I haven't been excited, I have been nervous and scared. Nobody seemed to realise or ever ask "are you OK? Are you scared?"
    Then last week everything clicked into place. I have always wanted to learn another language (French doesn't count!) but was never given the chance in school. I love to travel. Who doesn't dream of exploring another culture and meeting new people? For years now I've wanted to work full time in ministry and guess what?......I now get to do all these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fantastic is that?

Friday 24 December 2010


It's Christmas!!! Well, I know that actually it's only Christmas Eve but to me that IS Christmas. I'm so excited, I just LOVE Chistmas. The presents, all that gorgeous wrapping paper, fighting the cat off the baubles, 3 loads of roasties-all good.

  I know it's cheesy but the best bit is family; telling stupid festive jokes (usually me), begging for 1 early present (again usually me!), playing games, silly film all piled together on 1 sofa,watching family open my gifts, opening my presents and seeing how well they all know me and what I like.

 I'm dreading next Christmas when I won't be here for any of this. Almost makes me think that I don't want to leave. That's silly though right? I know that is going to be a fabulous adventure.


Thursday 23 December 2010

     This is my first EVER experience with blogging so I hope I'm doing this right! Have just worked out that I'm flying out in 27 days-less than a month AAAh! I'm excited of course but am fairly scared too.

27 days...mmm that means I only have 27 days to receive my visa forms from Ecuador, get it all sorted out, visit the embassy and collect my visa. Not forgetting learning basic Spanish, buying all my clothes and equipment too in that time. I always did like a challenge I guess. I reckon if we can raise £7,500 in 3 months through cake sales etc then we can easily get all this done. I say BRING IT ON!!!!