Sunday, 1 January 2012

Lesson learnt

It's New year. Well, obviously Happy New Year! I hope that 2012 is a good year filled with fun, purpose and love.

End of one year and the start of a new year, I don't know about you but it does make me think. What have I learnt, what were my experiences good and bad in 2011 and how will I use this knowledge?

Here is some of what I have learnt and experienced in coming here:

I know people who are dirt poor and yet are happy!I have met some people who are crueller and more selfish than I had ever met before.

I know the feeling of futility that comes of working in situations that seem so bad you don't feel you can help. I know that sometimes simply being there and standing alongside someone can help.

I've had the overwhelming experience of being surrounded by people and not able to get away and go home. Finding friends in the most unexpected places. Being away has made certain friends fade away and that has been hard but then people who weren't friends before have suddenly become good friends.

I have seen someone badly hurt and know the horror, pain and despair that comes when you cannot help. I've gained the comfort of knowing that when all else fails, I can pray for someone.

I have experienced the horrible pain of losing someone whilst away. Unable to grieve with others, share memories and pay respects I have had to become stronger.

I know that people are infinitely more complicated, flawed and amazing than I had realised. Sometimes I learnt this in heart breaking ways but I'm still grateful for the opportunity to learn these things.

I don't yet know how I'll use this knowledge but I'm looking forward to 2012 and a chance to move forward.

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