Friday, 30 December 2011

Feliz Navidad

First of all let me say a big thank you to everyone who sent me Christmas cards, decorations and parcels. I know sending things here is expensive, long and sometimes difficult. You have no idea how much it meant to me to be able to open the cards and parcels and see that you remembered me and went to the effort to send something! I have never had a simple Christmas card mean so much to me before.

    Christmas came and went. I was away from home, family, friends and church but somehow the world didn't end! Christmas Eve (Bueno Noche) was spent with my host family here. We prayed, shared our past Christmases, played very silly games, gave gifts and ended the night with a traditional festive dinner (chicken&rice like every other meal!) at midnight. Was a lovely time. Christmas Day we did our drama again and then in the evening my boss did a British Christmas dinner. Boxing Day was spent with Amy and Claire doing a mini Brit Christmas day including pudding with Brandy butter yum and the classic "Love Actually."
Amy and the lit pudding!

    I can't say this has been the best Christmas ever but it has been special. I was dreading it but it was good and it has shown me incredible kindness and generosity. People who paid a fortune in posting just so I would get cards and gifts. My boss who cooked Christmas dinner just so I wouldn't be alone on Christmas day and my host family who bought me an extra gift because I "belong" to them. Claire who decorated her flat to make me feel festive and made a whole Brit Christmas for us and my friend Amy who made me a stocking and persuaded someone to sneak into my room at night so I woke up on Christmas Day to find Santa had been!

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