Monday, 5 December 2011

bad day/good day?

 On Friday our school went to a special open day event and it didn't go well. Somehow Amy and I ended up stuck in a hall listening to speeches for 2 hours whilst trying to control our kids. We did not always succeed! One kid ended up on the stage, one boy punched another, 2 kids tried to run away (and into traffic!) and one little girl wet herself. By lunchtime I reeled home ready to hide under my duvet and never leave the house again.

After lunch I wrote a Christmas card to my family. The reality of sending a card as opposed to actually being with my family at Christmas depressed me so much that I just stayed in all afternoon and moped. Amy kindly posted my card off for me and brought me back a card from England. A lady from my church had sent me a Christmas card! It was such a pleasant surprise and the message was so sweet and encouraging that I cried! Realising that sobbing over a Christmas card is a tad foolish I pulled myself together and made a nice pot of tea (tea fixes every crisis!)

  That evening a friend invited me round for dinner. I was still feeling a bit "sensitive" but she lured me out with the offer of a home made Shepherds Pie so off I went. It turns out that Santo Domingo is like every other city in the world; you cannot get a taxi on  a Friday night especially when it's raining! So I walked. All alone, depressed, far from home and in the dark and rain..not a good start to the evening. As I walked I could see all the Christmas trees and lights in the houses I passed. It was night time in December but I wore flip-flops and a tshirt. Far from home but I was meeting a friend who wanted my company. Suddenly I realised I was having a great day!

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